Article: Thoughts of a Wanna-be PC Gamer

21 08 2011

I suppose I’ve always been a PC gamer, right back to the days when I would harass my parents guests into playing worms with me on our painfully slow Windows 95’ desktop, oblivious to the fact they had better things to do. I still bombed them into oblivion though, god bless the airstrike.

Since then, despite a host of cutting edge consoles and several handhelds, the PC has been the only constant in my gaming education. We’ve seen various iterations of operating systems, graphics cards, processors and the advent of the internet; but the PC remains the oldest surviving platform and delivers access to a wealth of history and offers a promising future.   Read the rest of this entry »

Article: Remakes are stupid

6 07 2011

Contrary to the title, remakes are not stupid. From a business perspective they are an extremely clever way of generating revenue from work that has already been done, tried and tested. Often throwing in nothing more than a facelift under the pretence of a ‘better experience’, they offer little more to a gamer than a higher price tag. In consumer terms that’s a money-grab and we really shouldn’t tolerate such shameless acts of greed.
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